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y overcome; were sobbing; with their heads bowed upon their knees。
“I know;” said Eva; “you all love me。”
“Yes; oh; yes! indeed we do! Lord bless her!” was the involuntary answer of all。
“Yes; I know you do! There isn’t one of you that hasn’t always been very kind to me; and I want to give you something that; when you look at; you shall always remember me; I’m going to give all of you a curl of my hair; and; when you look at it; think that I loved you and am gone to heaven; and that I want to see you all there。”
It is impossible to describe the scene; as; with tears and sobs; they gathered round the little creature; and took from her hands what seemed to them a last mark of her love。 They fell on their knees; they sobbed; and prayed; and kissed the hem of her garment; and the elder ones poured forth words of endearment; mingled in prayers and blessings; after the manner of their susceptible race。
As each one took their gift; Miss Ophelia; who was apprehensive for the effect of all this excitement on her little patient; signed to each one to pass out of the apartment。
At last; all were gone but Tom and Mammy。
“Here; Uncle Tom;” said Eva; “is a beautiful one for you。 O; I am so happy; Uncle Tom; to think I shall see you in heaven;—for I’m sure I shall; and Mammy;—dear; good; kind Mammy!” she said; fondly throwing her arms round her old nurse;—“I know you’ll be there; too。”
“O; Miss Eva; don’t see how I can live without ye; no how!” said the faithful creature。 “’Pears like it’s just taking everything off the place to oncet!” and Mammy gave way to a passion of grief。
Miss Ophelia pushed her and Tom gently from the apartment; and thought they were all gone; but; as she turned; Topsy was standing there。
“Where did you start up from?” she said; suddenly。
“I was here;” said Topsy; wiping the tears from her eyes。 “O; Miss Eva; I’ve been a bad girl; but won’t you give me one; too?”
“Yes; poor Topsy! to be sure; I will。 There—every time you look at that; think that I love you; and wanted you to be a good girl!”
“O; Miss Eva; I is tryin!” said Topsy; earnestly; “but; Lor; it’s so hard to be good! ’Pears like I an’t used to it; no ways!”
“Jesus knows it; Topsy; he is sorry for you; he will help you。”
Topsy; with her eyes hid in her apron; was silently passed from the apartment by Miss Ophelia; but; as she went; she hid the precious curl in her bosom。
All being gone; Miss Ophelia shut the door。 That worthy lady had wiped away many tears of her own; during the scene; but concern for the consequence of such an excitement to her young charge was uppermost in her mind。
St。 Clare had been sitting; during the whole time; with his hand shading his eyes; in the same attitude。
When they were all gone; he sat so still。
“Papa!” said Eva; gently; laying her hand on his。
He gave a sudden start and shiver; but made no answer。
“Dear papa!” said Eva。
“I cannot;” said St。 Clare; rising; “I cannot have it so! The Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me!” and St。 Clare pronounced these words with a bitter emphasis; indeed。
“Augustine! has not God a right to do what he will with his own?” said Miss Ophelia。
“Perhaps so; but that doesn’t make it any easier to bear;” said he; with a dry; hard; tearless manner; as he turned away。
“Papa; you break my heart!” said Eva; rising and throwing herself into his arms; “you must not feel so!” and the child sobbed and wept with a violence which alarmed them all; and turned her father’s thoughts at once to another channel。
“There; Eva;—there; dearest! Hush! hush! I was wrong; I was wicked。 I will feel any way; do any way;—only don’t distress yourself; don’t sob so。 I will be resigned; I was wicked to speak as I did。”
Eva soon lay like a wearied dove in her father’s arms; and he; bending over her; soothed her by every tender word he could think of。
Marie rose and threw herself out of the apartment into her own; when she fell into violent hysterics。
“You didn’t give me a curl; Eva;” said her father; smiling sadly。
“They are all yours; papa;” said she; smiling—“yours and mamma’s; and you must give dear aunty as many as she wants。 I only gave them to our poor people myself; because you know; papa; they might be forgotten when I am gone; and because I hoped it might help them remember。 。 。 。 You are a Christian; are you not; papa?” said Eva; doubtfully。
“Why do you ask me?”
“I don’t know。 You are so good; I don’t see how you can help it。”
“What is being a Christian; Eva?”
“Loving Christ most of all;” said Eva。
“Do you; Eva?”
“Certainly I do。”
“You never saw him;” said St。 Clare。
“That makes no difference;” said Eva。 “I believe him; and in a few days I shall see him;” and the young face grew fervent; radiant with joy。
St。 Clare said no more。 It was a feeling which he had seen before in his mother; but no chord within vibrated to it。
Eva; after this; declined rapidly; there was no more any doubt of the event; the fondest hope could not be blinded。 Her beautiful room was avowedly a sick room; and Miss Ophelia day and night performed the duties of a nurse;—and never did her friends appreciate her value more than in that capacity。 With so well…trained a hand and eye; such perfect adroitness and practice in every art which could promote neatness and comfort; and keep out of sight every disagreeable incident of sickness;—with such a perfect sense of time; such a clear; untroubled head; such exact acomuracy in remembering every prescription and direction of the doctors;—she was everything to him。 They who had shrugged their shoulders at her little peculiarities and setnesses; so unlike the careless freedom of southern manners; acknowledged that now she was the exact person that was wanted。
Uncle Tom was much in Eva’s room。 The child suffered much from nervous restlessness; and it was a relief to her to be carried; and it was Tom’s greatest delight to carry her little frail form in his arms; resting on a pillow; now up and down her room; now out into the verandah; and when the fresh sea…breezes blew from the lake;—and the child felt freshest in the morning;—he would sometimes walk with her under the orange…trees in the garden; or; sitting down in some of their old seats; sing to her their favorite old hymns。
Her father often did the same thing; but his frame was slighter; and when he was weary; Eva would say to him;
“O; papa; let Tom take me。 Poor fellow! it pleases him; and you know it’s all he can do now; and he wants to do something!”
“So do I; Eva!” said her father。
“Well; papa; you can do everything; and are everything to me。 You read to me;—you sit up nights;—and Tom has only this one thing; and his singing; and I know; too; he does it easier than you can。 He carries me so strong!”
The desire to do something was not confined to Tom。 Every servant in the establishment showed the same feeling; and in their way did what they could。
Poor Mammy’s heart yearned towards her darling; but she found no opportunity; night or day; as Marie declared that the state of her mind was such; it was impossible for her to rest; and; of course; it was against her principles to let any one else rest。 Twenty times in a night; Mammy would be roused to rub her feet; to bathe her head; to find her pocket…handkerchief; to see what the noise was in Eva’s room; to let down a curtain because it was too light; or to put it up because it was too dark; and; in the daytime; when she longed to have some share in the nursing of her pet; Marie seemed unusually ingenious in keeping her busy anywhere and everywhere all over the house; or about her own person; so that stolen interviews and momentary glimpses were all she could obtain。
“I feel it my duty to be particularly careful of myself; now;” she would say; “feeble as I am; and with the whole care and nursing of that dear child upon me。”
“Indeed; my dear;” said St。 Clare; “I thought our cousin relieved you of that。”
“You talk like a man; St。 Clare;—just as if a mother could be relieved of the care of a child in that state; but; then; it’s all alike;—no one ever knows what I feel! I can’t throw things off; as you do。”
St。 Clare smiled。 You mus
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