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ranked major or higher will stay behind this area here。” With a finger; he drew an imaginary line
across the map where he believed the ork artillery would be unable to strike。 “I don’t imagine the
orks have anything that can reach quite this far out。 I’ll be coordinating the attack personally from
my Chimera。 Rennkamp; Killian; Bergen; you’ll relay my orders to your respective divisions from
your own vehicles。”
“Understood; sir;” said Killian。
Bergen didn’t speak。 He noticed a fresh gleam that had crept into the general’s eyes。
“Then let’s disperse; gentlemen;” deViers told the colonels in the tent。 “Prepare for the assault。
Your divisional commanders will have more specifics for you within the hour。 Dismissed。”
The regimental leaders saluted; turned; and marched out of the tent。 Bergen considered
following Vinnemann out for a private word; but deViers said; “You three stay a while longer。 I
want your input on formations。”
What did Vinnemann think he was doing? Bergen wondered。 When the orks spotted Angel of the
Apocalypse sitting out there on the sand; they would hit her with everything they had。 She was one
hell of a target; easily three times the size of the vehicles that would be escorting her; and; just like
at Karavassa; she would be utterly immobile while her capacitors charged for firing。 The blast from
her Volcano cannon would draw every ork eye on the wall to her; and after the shot; the crew would
need valuable seconds to switch the generator back over to power the treads again。 Seconds counted
for everything when the shells were falling all around you。 Popping smoke would only help shield
the Angel of the Apocalypse if the wind stayed low。 If it picked up; it would blow the cover straight
off of her。
Vinnemann knew all this; of course。 He just wasn’t about to let any of it stop him doing his duty。
Bergen wondered if perhaps the colonel’s pain had become too much for him after all these years。
Was the man growing impatient for an honourable death? Throne; thought Bergen; I hope it’s not
The chaos of battle erupted the moment the orks spotted them。 The wall was manned; as General
deViers had known it would be。 In fact; there were many thousands of greenskins on it; a huge
garrison force; and they leapt to man their long…guns as soon as they noticed the approaching dust
cloud of the speeding Cadian armour。
The tanks of the 81st Armoured Regiment moved in loose formation; a broad fighting line with
van Droi’s Gunheads on the far right flank。 Captain Immrich’s 1st Company ran escort to Colonel
Vinnemann’s massive Shadowsword。
It was midday; searing hot; and the thick; muddy sky churned and roiled above the battlefield。
“Charge!” yelled van Droi to his tank commanders over the vox。
The Gunheads roared towards the wall; tearing up the ground that lay between them and their
foes。 The entire strength of Vinnemann’s regiment was being thrown at the wall in one massive
surge: ten companies of Imperial tanks; though no company could boast of being at full strength。
Every single one had taken losses on the journey east。 They were still a force to be reckoned with;
however; still something special to see as they tore across the sand。 Bursts of black smoke
announced heavy firing from the parapets; and the hot desert air filled with deep booming thunder。
Great black…rimmed craters began appearing in the sand where the first artillery rounds struck。 The
orks could hammer the Cadians from this distance with impunity; and the constant barrage soon
claimed its first victims。 Three of Lieutenant Keissler’s 2nd Company tanks were torn apart by
tremendous explosions。 They were the first of many to fall。 Keissler rallied his surviving crews;
keeping them in the line。
The men that died at least died quickly。 The ork shells were huge and heavy; packed with
devastating amounts of explosive。 The tanks they struck were smashed apart by the blasts。 There
was no brewing up; no burning alive in steel coffins; just a sudden; brutal end。 Three black husks;
barely recognisable as Leman Russ tanks; sat pouring out smoke while other tanks surged past them
to continue the push。
The orks had found their range; and Colonel Vinnemann ordered all companies to fan out。
Bunching together; with the full weight of the ork defences raining down on them; was suicide。
There was still some way to go before the Cadians entered effective firing range。 Even in
Golgotha’s gravity; a standard Leman Russ battle cannon could take out targets at a distance of over
two kilometres but the ork artillery was pounding them from twice that。 Closing the gap at speed
was paramount。
Like her sister tanks; Last Rites II roared over the low dunes with all her hatches closed。 Wulfe
sat in the rear of the turret basket; peering through the vision blocks that ringed the rim of his
cupola; shouting instructions to his crew。 “That’s it; Metzger。 Keep her speed up。”
Looking left along the Cadian line; he saw van Droi’s Foe…Breaker to his immediate right。
Beyond her; scores of other tanks raced forwards。 It was quite a sight。 Suddenly; bright light stabbed
at his eyes and he grunted in pain。 When he opened them again; he was glad to see van Droi’s tank
still at his side。 He turned to look behind and saw a burning black wreck。 Someone else had been hit。
Thick black smoke poured outwards and upwards。
That could have been us; thought Wulfe。
Metzger was squeezing every bit of speed he could from the old girl; pushing her forward at full
tilt; her engine roaring like a mad carnotaur; her suspension bouncing and juddering; tossing the men
in the turret basket around like dolls。 There were more flashes of light; more bone…shaking booms。
Wulfe saw two more wrecks drop from the Cadian line; fountains of dirt and rock exploding on all
sides as the greenskins continued to rain shells on the rapidly advancing Imperial force。 Van Droi’s
Vanquisher had pulled ahead。 Wulfe saw her swerve violently to one side; just missing a huge pillar
of fire and dust that geysered upwards into the air。 Van Droi’s driver; Nalzigg; really was good;
thought Wulfe。 Foe…Breaker had escaped destruction by a hair’s breadth。 Metzger must have seen it
too。 A second later; he swerved to avoid ditching Last Rites II into the crater caused by the
Beans banged his head on the metal housing of his gun scope。 “Damn it!”
“Watch yourself;” shouted Wulfe over the cacophony of battle。 “Keep your eyes pressed to the
scope’s padding。”
Even over the intercom; it was difficult to hear each other。 The artillery fire; explosions and
engine noise were deafening。
“I want this crate ready to fire the moment we make range;” said Wulfe。 “High explosives。
We’ve got to take out those wall…guns so the infantry don’t get minced following us in。”
Up ahead and to the left; some of the tanks from the other companies had pressed forward into
firing range; and their guns began to answer the orks’。 The tanks were travelling too fast to fire with
any real accuracy; but Wulfe saw bright blossoms of fire burst into life as shells hit the wall。 It
didn’t look like they were very effective。 The orks’ answering barrage; however; managed to
destroy a number of tanks from the 5th and 8th Companies。
“By the frakking Eye!” spat Wulfe。 “How can we expect to hit anything in a full sprint? Who
conceived this bloody plan?”
Metzger spoke over the intercom。 “We just made range!”
“Beans;” said Wulfe; “line her up on one of those wall…guns。 The bigger the better。”
“Got one;” said Beans。 “Halfway up the wall on our two o’clock。 How about it? The gun…port to
the upper left of the central gate; sarge?”
Wulfe scanned the wall and found it。 It was one of the biggest barrels visible。 A good target。 The
muzzle was so damned wide a man could have sat comfortably inside it。
“Nice;” said Wulfe。 “Siegler; high…explosive。 Beans; zero in。 It’ll be a tough shot。 We’ll have to
fire on the move。”
“I can do it; sarge;” said Beans。
Siegler slammed a shell into the battle cannon’s breech; yanked the locking lever and yelled;
“She’s lit!”
“Metzger;” said Wulfe; “drop her dow
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