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Bergen rode high in the cupola of his Chimera; a habit he had developed over his long years as a
tank commander。 He remembered those times fondly; times before he had been singled out for
greater things。
Greater things? That was a laugh。 Operation Thunderstorm had gone to hell。 The Munitorum
wouldn’t want to lose face。 They’d expunge it from the Imperial records once it was clear how
spectacularly it had failed。
It hasn’t failed yet; said a tiny voice in the back of his mind; but another; louder voice at the
front said; hasn’t it?
Bergen tried to ignore both and looked up at the sky。
The cloaked Golgothan sun was close to its zenith; judging by the bright patch in the thick red
clouds overhead。 At this altitude; the clouds seemed so low they might choke him; and he
automatically checked that his rebreather mask and goggles were firmly in place。
The expedition force had ascended over a thousand metres already。
Where in the blasted warp are the cogboys taking us; he wondered?
He tried to look back down the mountainside along the route they had followed; but all he could
see was the clouds of dust kicked up by the line of coughing; spluttering vehicles behind him。 The
column was significantly shorter than it had been when it had set out from Balkar。 He still didn’t
know exactly how many had died rushing the ork wall。
He felt two sharp tugs on his trouser leg and dropped back down into the Chimera’s passenger
compartment。 His adjutant indicated a flickering light on the vox…caster。
“Major General Killian wants a word; sir;” he said。
Bergen told his adjutant to patch Killian through; and then spoke through the tiny vox…mic built
into his rebreather mask。
“Bergen here;” he said。 “Go ahead。”
“Gerard; this is Klotus。 I’ve just had a vox from my scout captain。 Something you should
definitely hear。”
“Go ahead。 I’m listening。”
“It’s about the trail we’re following;” said Killian。 “We’re not the first to tread it。”
“So the orks did bring The Fortress of Arrogance this way?” said Bergen in genuine surprise。
Whatever he had expected; it hadn’t been that the tech…priests might be telling the truth。
“Too difficult to say; the tracks are vague; all but eroded。 But the scouts say there is sign of at
least one vehicle and a fair number of foot soldiers。”
“It has to be orks。 According to the records; we’re the first Imperial troops to set foot here since
the last war。”
“Maybe。 But not everything goes into the records; does it? And it depends on whose records
we’re talking about。 There’s no way the tracks are thirty…eight years old。 I can tell you that much。”
Bergen sat silent for a moment。 It had to be orks。 It just had to be; but; if the tracks were
Imperial; it meant that someone else had got here first。 Why hadn’t Exolon been told? By all
accounts; theirs was the first officially sanctioned mission ever to attempt a recovery of Yarrick’s
tank。 If the tracks they followed belonged to an Imperial force; who the hell were they; and what
were they doing here?
“Will you tell me the moment you know more?”
“Of course I will;” said Killian。 “I don’t like this any more than you do。”
“You’ve told Rennkamp? General deViers?”
“About to;” said Killian。
Bergen thought about that。 “Why did you come to me first; Klotus?”
Killian hesitated; perhaps checking for a second that the channel was properly encrypted。
“Because deViers has been losing it for months。 We both know it。 And he’s closer to cracking right
now than I’ve ever seen him。 If he has some kind of breakdown; the mission will fall to you。 And so
will our survival。 I want to get off this rock alive; Gerard。 I’m not meant to die here and neither are
my men。”
“Thanks for the update; Klotus;” Bergen said。 “Keep me posted; won’t you?”
“You’ve got it。 Killian signing off。”
The light on the vox…board blinked out。
In Tech…Magos Sennesdiar’s specially fitted Chimera; Tech…Adept Xephous hit a toggle and
watched a similar green light die。 He turned to his superior and said; 
 replied Sennesdiar。 
There was a moment of silence as each of the Martian priests processed the ramifications of this。
It was Armadron who ultimately broke it。 
 Sennesdiar replied。 
 said Xephous。
 answered Sennesdiar。 
 said Xephous。
 said Armadron; 
Wulfe growled as another wave of dust smothered him and his tank。 If he didn’t know better; he
would have said the New Champion was churning up the ground deliberately to impair his vision;
but all the tanks were suffering the same problem。 The trail was so narrow that the Imperial
machines had to move in single file。 As the convoy climbed higher and higher into the mountains;
the danger increased。
Metzger was guiding Last Rites II carefully along a crumbling ridge while trying to keep her at a
reasonable speed。 Everyone knew that the orks weren’t far behind; though they couldn’t be sighted;
hidden from view by the dust and the drop…off。
Wulfe took a look to his right and; not for the first time; felt something flip inside his stomach。 A
vast chasm yawned between the peak they were ascending and the next。 He turned his eyes to the
front again and felt his stomach muscles relax。
What the hell are we doing up here; he asked himself? High altitude is no bloody place for heavy
Wulfe and the rest of the Gunheads were near the rear of the column; part of an armour
detachment charged with defending the Thirty…Sixers and Heracles halftracks that carried most of
the remaining supplies。 As such; the orks were snapping at their heels。 They were most at risk。
Behind Last Rites II came Old Smashbones and a feajor
General Rennkamp’s 12th Mechanised division。 Wulfe didn’t know the crews; but that didn’t
matter。 Whatever division they came from; the Cadians really had to stick together。 There weren’t
all that many left of them; just a few thousand men packed tightly into a few hundred machines。 By
contrast; scouts attached to the rearguard reported ork vehicles pursuing in the thousands。 Turning to
face them was not an option。 The Cadians could only keep going while the tech…priests insisted that
this was the way。
Orks or not; the mountain trail was proving enough of a challenge on its own。
Still looking ahead; trying to guide his driver as well as he possibly could despite the dust;
Wulfe decided to vox Lieutenant van Droi。 Van Droi had been too damned quiet since learning of
Colonel Vinnemann’s death。 It wasn’t like him。
“Sword Lead to Company Command;” he said。 “This is Wulfe; sir。 Please respond; over。”
“Company here; Wulfe;” replied van Droi。 He didn’t sound well。 “What can I do for you?”
Wulfe wondered how to say it without causing offence。 “Just reporting in; sir。 Still quiet back
here。 No sign of the orks so far。 I don’t suppose it’s too much to hope that they called off the
“How long have you been a soldier; Wulfe?” said van Droi。 “You know better than that。”
“I know; sir;” said Wulfe。 “I know。 Just wishful thinking。 Listen… about the colonel; sir…”
“What about him; sergeant?”
The lieutenant’s tone told Wulfe he was treading dangerous ground。 “I’ll miss him; sir。 That’s
Van Droi was silent for a good ten seconds。 Wulfe thought the lieutenant had actually broken the
link for a moment; but then van Droi said; “You know; Oskar; when young men get their first
combat posting; it’s as if they’re suddenly children
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