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forge of battle had made his soul as hard as ceramite。 His mind was tougher than folded steel。
Victory alone was what mattered; and today he would have it; whatever the cost。 Damn his
detractors。 They were blind to the bigger picture。 They squabbled like children over body counts and
budgets when it was this; life or death on the battlefield; that truly mattered。
It was here the future would be decided; here that he would meet Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka
for the very last time。 The ork warlord would die today; or they both would。 Either way was fine
with Yarrick; so long as his life’s work; the mission that had made him a legend among men; was
Looking left and right; Yarrick cast his eyes over the forces that Segmentum Command had
amassed and placed at his disposal。 Millions of men and women stood ready to do their duty。 Their
ranks stretched away to the north and south as far as the eye could see; and there were more to the
Yarrick could sense their determination and resolve。 They were here to win。 He could smell it on
the air。 They had come from all across the Imperium; from worlds as different as night and day; but
they were utterly unified in purpose。 They would turn back the greenskin threat。 They would protect
Holy Terra。 They would safeguard the destiny of mankind as the supreme race in the galaxy。
It was a rousing sight; a force greater than he had ever commanded before。 Entire divisions of
tanks and artillery pieces sat idling; coughing smoke out onto the breeze。 Sentinel scouts prowled
the forward lines like anxious predators; alert to any signs of change on the wind。 There were trucks
and halftracks by the thousand; all filled with devoted infantrymen; and almost as many Chimera
APCs loaded with battle…hardened storm troopers。
Mightiest of all were the god…like Emperor…class Titans that towered over everything; arms
raised parallel to the ground; vast guns ready to unleash death on a planet…shaking scale。 They
looked like gods of war cast in metal and ceramite。 Surely no other creation embodied the strength
of humanity so absolutely。 Well; perhaps just one。
From the railing of his turret…mounted pulpit; Yarrick looked down at her glacis plate: The
Fortress of Arrogance。
It still astounded him that she was the same tank; the very same damned tank that he had lost on
Golgotha all those years ago。 From her black armour plates to her massive main battle cannon; from
her fine gold detailing to the Mechanicus shrine that graced her rear; she looked exactly as she had
on the day he had first laid eyes on her。 To him; she was the spirit of the Imperial Guard made
He had thought her lost forever until a Mechanicus transmission received over two years ago
mentioned her location。 Now he knew he had been right to push for a recovery mission。 Yes; men
had died to get her here。 By all accounts; the blood…price had been horribly high; but the effect of
her presence on Armageddon was far beyond such a price。 Her spirit charged the air。 Men reached
out to touch her cold; hard flanks; muttering prayers for strength and glory。 Even now; he felt their
eyes on her。 She was as much a legend as he was。
A tinny voice sounded in his ear。 It was his comms…officer speaking over the intercom。 “The
lord generals wish to inform you that their armies are ready to march; sir。 They await your order to
“Good;” said Yarrick。 He looked again at the far foothills。 More and more orks were swarming
over them; far more than he had ever faced before。 Their ugly machines filled the air above with
thick black smoke。 Numerous weapon misfires sent rockets screaming into the air。
Yarrick activated the vox…speakers that protruded from the Baneblade’s turret。 Then he raised
his oversized power claw high above his head。
“All troops…” he bellowed。
His amplified words rolled out over the battlefield like thunder。
He swung his power claw downwards with a chopping motion。
Engines roared。 Treads turned。 Boot…heels struck the ground in perfect rhythm。
The Fortress of Arrogance rumbled into battle; and the land trembled。
For ever after; men would remember this day。

           (The End)

。 … 。………【gzbysh】整理 
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