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The Lord of the Rings-指环王(英文版)-第61部分

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n; and yet are under his sway。 And their number is growing daily。'

'What about Rivendell and the Elves? Is Rivendell safe?'

'Yes; at present; until all else is conquered。 The Elves may fear the Dark Lord; and they may fly before him; but never again will they listen to him or serve him。 And here in Rivendell there live still some of his chief foes: the Elvenwise; lords of the Eldar from beyond the furthest seas。 They do not fear the Ringwraiths; for those who have dwelt in the Blessed Realm live at once in both worlds; and against both the Seen and the Unseen they have great power。'

'I thought that I saw a white figure that shone and did not grow dim like the others。 Was that Glorfindel then?'

'Yes; you saw him for a moment as he is upon the other side: one of the mighty of the Firstborn。 He is an Elflord of a house of princes。 Indeed there is a power in Rivendell to withstand the might of Mordor; for a while: and elsewhere other powers still dwell。 There is power; too; of another kind in the Shire。 But all such places will soon bee islands under siege; if things go on as they are going。 The Dark Lord is putting forth all his strength。

'Still;' he said; standing suddenly up and sticking out his chin。 while his beard went stiff and straight like bristling wire; 'we must keep up our courage。 You will soon be well; if I do not talk you to death。 You are in Rivendell; and you need not worry about anything for the present。'

'I haven't any courage to keep up;' said Frodo; 'but I am not worried at the moment。 Just give me news of my friends; and tell me the end of the affair at the Ford; as I keep on asking; and I shall be content for the present。 After that I shall have another sleep; I think; but I shan't be able to close my eyes until you have finished the story for me。'

Gandalf moved his chair to the bedside; and took a good look at Frodo。 The colour had e back to his face; and his eyes were clear; and fully awake and aware。 He was smiling; and there seemed to be little wrong with him。 But to the wizard's eye there was a faint change just a hint as it were of transparency; about him; and especially about the left hand that lay outside upon the coverlet。

'Still that must be expected;' said Gandalf to himself。 'He is not half through yet; and to what he will e in the end not even Elrond can foretell。 Not to evil; I think。 He may bee like a glass filled with a clear light for eyes to see that can。'

'You look splendid;' he said aloud。 'I will risk a brief tale without consulting Elrond。 But quite brief; mind you; and then you must sleep again。 This is what happened; as far as I can gather。 The Riders made straight for you; as soon as you fled。 They did not need the guidance of their horses any longer: you had bee visible to them; being already on the threshold of their world。 And also the Ring drew them。 Your friends sprang aside; off the road; or they would have been ridden down。 They knew that nothing could save you; if the white horse could not。 The Riders were too swift to overtake; and too many to oppose。 On foot even Glorfindel and Aragorn together could not with stand all the Nine at once。

'When the Ringwraiths swept by; your friends ran up behind。 Close to the Ford there is a small hollow beside the road masked by a few stunted trees。 There they hastily kindled fire; for Glorfindel knew that a flood would e down; if the Riders tried to cross; and then he would have to deal with any that were left on his side of the river。 The moment the flood appeared; he rushed out; followed by Aragorn and the。 others with flaming brands。 Caught between fire and water; and seeing an Elflord revealed in his wrath; they were dismayed; and their horses were stricken with madness。 Three were carried away by the first assault of the flood; the others were now hurled into the water by their horses and overwhelmed。'

'And is that the end of the Black Riders?' asked Frodo。

'No;' said Gandalf。 'Their horses must have perished; and without them they are crippled。 But the Ringwraiths themselves cannot be so easily destroyed。 However; there is nothing more to fear from them at present。 Your friends crossed after the flood had passed; and they found you lying on your face at the top of the bank; with a broken sword under you。 The horse was standing guard beside you。 You were pale and cold; and they feared that you were dead; or worse。 Elrond's folk met them; carrying you slowly towards Rivendell。'

'Who made the flood?' asked Frodo。

'Elrond manded it;' answered Gandalf。 'The river of this valley is under his power; and it will rise in anger when he has great need to bar the Ford。 As soon as the captain of the Ringwraiths rode into the water the flood was released。 If I may say so; I added a few touches of my own: you may not have noticed; but some of the waves took the form of great white horses with shining white riders; and there were many rolling and grinding boulders。 For a moment I was afraid that we had let loose too fierce a wrath; and the flood would get out of hand and wash you all away。 There is great vigour in the waters that e down from the snows of the Misty Mountains。'

'Yes; it all es back to me now;' said Frodo: 'the tremendous roaring。 I thought I was drowning; with my friends and enemies and all。 But now we are safe!'

Gandalf looked quickly at Frodo; but he had shut his eyes。 'Yes; you are all safe for the present。 Soon there will be feasting and merrymaking to celebrate the victory at the Ford of Bruinen; and you will all be there in places of honour。'

'Splendid!' said Frodo。 'It is wonderful that Elrond; and Glorfindel and such great lords; not to mention Strider; should take so much trouble and show me so much kindness。'

'Well; there are many reasons why they should;' said Gandalf; smiling。 'I am one good reason。 The Ring is another: you are the Ringbearer。 And you are the heir of Bilbo; the Ringfinder。'

'Dear Bilbo!' said Frodo sleepily。 'I wonder where he is。 I wish he was here and could hear all about it。 It would have made him laugh; The cow jumped over the Moon! And the poor old troll!' With that he fell fast asleep。

Frodo was now safe in the Last Homely House east of the Sea。 That house was; as Bilbo had long ago reported; 'a perfect house; whether you like food or sleep; or storytelling or singing; or just sitting and thinking best; or a pleasant mixture of them all'。 Merely to be there was a cure for weariness; fear; and sadness。

As the evening drew on; Frodo woke up again; and he found that he no longer felt in need of rest or sleep; but had a mind for food and drink; and probably for singing and storytelling afterwards。 He got out of bed and discovered that his arm was already nearly as useful again as it ever had been。 He found laid ready clean garments of green cloth that fitted him excellently。 Looking in a mirror he was startled to see a much thinner reflection of himself than he remembered: it looked remarkably like the young nephew of Bilbo who used to go tramping with his uncle in the Shire; but the eyes looked out at him thoughtfully。

'Yes; you have seen a thing or two since you last peeped out of a lookingglass;' he said to his reflection。 'But now for a merry meeting!'

He stretched out his arms and whistled a tune。

At that moment there was a knock on the door; and Sam came in。 He ran to Frodo and took his left hand; awkwardly and shyly。 He stroked it gently and then he blushed and turned hastily away。

'Hullo; Sam!' said Frodo。

'It's warm!' said Sam。 'Meaning your hand; Mr。 Frodo。 It has felt so cold through the long nights。 But glory and trumpets!' he cried; turning round again with shining eyes and dancing on the floor。 'It's fine to see you up and yourself again; sir! Gandalf asked me to e and see if you were ready to e down; and I thought he was joking。'

'I am ready;' said Frodo。 'Let's go and look for the rest of the party!'

'I can take you to them; sir;' said Sam。 'It's a big house this; and very peculiar。 Always a bit more to discover; and no knowing what you'll find round a corner。 And Elves; sir! Elves here; and Elves there! Some like kings; terrible and splendid; and some as merry as children。 And the music and the singingnot that I 
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