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At 66:18:740; mander in Chief Dolza mitted the last of the Golthano Fleet ships to the dark maw of Ranaath's Star; and once more the ships were torn asunder by (translator's insert: tidal forces encountered at the event horizon)。 Losses to this date number 670 ships; 42;000 Zentraedi lives。 It would appear that the Zentraedi ships are of insufficient durability to negotiate penetration of the (horizon) or the (realm jump) that is a suggested probability should such a penetration be effected。 Be aware that mander Khyron of the Botoru Battalion is fully prepared to undertake the next attempt。 He would have it made known to you that he in fact requests to be afforded the honor。 
Exedore; in a munique to the Robotech Masters; as quoted by Rawlins in his Zentraedi Triumvirate: Dolza; Breetai; Khyron 

Max Sterling watched Exedore play the console Veidt had delivered to their cell; stubby fingers pecking away at mand keys。 To offset any suspicion that the furtive delivery might have aroused among level four's cadre of humorless; hovering overseers; the terminal had been designed to include an archaic touchpad。 The armless Haydonites had no call for such a tedious approach; and in truth neither did Exedore; who had grown accustomed to the Awareness data lab's neural headbands。 The console consequently resembled nothing so much as a child's learning aid; which was exactly what the jailers were meant to make of it。 To buoy the ploy; Aurora was seated alongside Exedore; ostensibly under the Zentraedi's tutelage; issuing appropriate sounds of excitement and discovery as the screen displayed responses to Exedore's prompts。

Miriya and Dana were in the Praxians' quarters; trying to reassure the four Amazons that Veidt's sudden turnaround was genuine。

Well; Miriya was; Max thought。 Dana was probably encouraging everyone to tunnel beneath the walls。

The former Skull Squadron ace found himself thinking about twentieth…century prison escapes as he cast a wary eye at the cell's laser…barred threshold。 It had been pastry surprises back then; files and hacksaw blades concealed in cakes and long loaves of bread。 But breakouts now required break…ins of a sort; direct data links to the security system's keymaster…in this instance; Haydon IV's artificial sentience; the Awareness。

Exedore voiced a plosive sound of frustration。 〃Another mistake。 My fingers have forgotten just who it is that does the thinking for them。 They seem convinced they have a mind of their own。〃

〃Take your time;〃 Max advised under his breath。 〃Remember; you're supposed to be a teacher; not some interloper。 〃

〃Teachers have been known to lose patience;〃 Exedore retorted。 〃In any event; keeping watch on the front door such as it is…does little more than draw attention to us。 I suggest to you that the Haydonites would have filled these rooms with monitoring devices if they for one moment suspected wed be foolish enough to attempt an escape。〃

Max glanced at the alloy partitions and ceilings。 Veidt had been responsible; too; for the holo…views that adorned the long; rear walls…vistas of rolling hills crisscrossed with hedgerows and low stone walls。 A sun shone in the false sky; rising and setting in breathtaking colors; if nothing else; it had at least returned the captives to a semblance of circadian normalcy。 Max sometimes felt as though he were back in the SDF…1; carousing after a mission with Rick and Ben in downtown Macross under EVE'S projected cloudscape。

And there he was; the only full…blooded Terran in the room。 〃I'm certain of one thing;〃 Exedore resumed。 〃Haydon IV has defolded。〃

〃I guessed as much;〃 Max told him; gratified that he could still rely on his own senses to differentiate between real time and hyperspace。 〃Can you find out where we are?〃

〃I have already established that。 Although I'll confess I should have suspected it all along。〃

Max laid a protective hand on Aurora's shoulder; the doe eyed child looked up at him and smiled as Exedore took a deep breath。

〃We are inserted in orbit around a small; carbonaceous moon that circles this system's sixth planet…an equally desolate place; I might add。 The Zentraedi knew the system's dying primary as Qalliph; a word approximated by the Panglish term dread。〃

Max raised an eyebrow。 〃Go on。〃

〃Actually; it isn't so much the star itself that inspired the name but the phenomenon to which it in turn pays gravitational obeisance。 The Masters named it Raanath's Star; after an especially barbaric warlord from Tirol's pre…Transition past。 Your own astrophysicists have labeled such phenomena black holes。〃

Max whistled lightly。 〃I've always wanted to get a look at one of those things。〃

Exedore frowned at him。 〃Yes; I recall from my delvings into Terran literature that your race has endowed these black holes with near…mystical importance。 This was especially true among your so…called science fiction writers; I believe。 A blend of romantic fascination and morbid curiosity。 But I can assure you; as one who has seen an entire battle group swallowed by these sinister portals; that even the most ghoulish of your imaginings doesn't e close to detailing the horrors of the experience。〃

〃So what are we doing here?〃 Max asked after a moment of nightmare reflection。

Exedore did input at the console; then studied the displayed results in silence。 〃The reason is twofold。 First; I believe that we…Haydon IV; that is…are in pursuit of the energy pulse that originated in Earthspace with the Invid defeat。 Based on the results of my previous investigations; I posited that Ranaath's Star was the terminus of that pulse。

〃Second; Haydon IV is apparently making use of radiation bleeding from the collapsed star; but to what purpose I cannot fathom。 The Awareness has also issued a series of mands to the planetary drives; which will soon bring us dangerously close to the cratered satellite we have been orbiting。〃 Exedore regarded Aurora but continued to address Max。 〃An external view would be most helpful; but I have yet to determine whether visual data are available。 The Awareness had been operating in a purely abstract mode。〃

Max was just beginning to reply when Dana burst upon the scene。

〃You can put away the toy;〃 she directed to Exedore。 〃Unless you can use it to find out whether the Awareness believes in an afterlife。〃 Exedore cocked an eyebrow。

Miriya was only a few steps behind; wearing the worried look she reserved for her eldest child。

〃The Praxians have worked out a wall…tapping mo code with the Karbarrans next door;〃 Dana explained。 〃Seems one of the jailers let it slip that a Karbarran recon vessel homed in on our new address and radioed a burst transmission to Karbarra。 Since then; a fleet of Local Group battleships has folded from Tirol。 They're due any hour now。〃 Max searched his wife's face。

〃It's true; Max;〃 Miriya said。 〃At least that's what they told us。 The Karbarran prisoners claim to have discovered some way to override the threshold confinement lasers as well。 They're prepared to ready a full…scale revolt as soon as the battle group arrives and the attack mences。〃

〃But they've already lost three ships;〃 Exedore reminded everyone。 Beside him; Aurora had reached a hand over to enter a mand into the console。

〃They'll never learn;〃 Max said absently; monitoring Aurora's movements peripherally。

〃Yeah; well; a fleet can do a lot more damage than a single ship;〃 Dana argued; hands on her hips。 〃I say we throw in with the Karbarrans。 Anything's better than being cooped up in here。〃

〃An uprising would prove a terrible mistake;〃 Aurora interjected quietly。

It was as though an oracle had spoken。 Exedore swiveled in his seat; but something on the display screen caught his attention and brought him up short。

〃Figures you'd say that;〃 Dana replied uncertainly。

〃You must tell them to be patient; sister;〃 Aurora added in the same assured tone。 〃The Karbarrans must wait until the Awareness is preoccupied。〃

〃Preoccupied how?〃 Dana wanted to know。

〃Here!〃 Exedore said; an unsteady index finger aimed at the monitor。

Max narrowed his eyes as a series of plex schematics flashed on…screen。

Dana got a grip on the Zentraedi's shoulder。 〃Don'
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