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hat it meant for the work crews who now had to construct the nursery to acmodate children of vastly different sizes。 Anyway; the experience of that day I walked into the nursery to check on the children's creation left me convinced that I'd placed too much importance on all this child bonding and that maybe it hadn't been such a good idea; after all。 In retrospect I think I should have insisted that 'the Zentraedi ship' Valivarre fold with the rest of the fleet instead of remaining: in Tirolspace with its skeleton crew。
Lisa Hayes; in Resh N'tar's Interviews with Admirals

〃Seven worlds;〃 Exedore said to himself; hands clasped behind his back as he paced the alloy floor of his confinement area quarters。 Max; Miriya; Dana; and the Praxians were off somewhere exchanging wall tappings with the Karbarrans。 Aurora was in the front room; glued to the display screen of their monitor unit as though it were one of Earth's old…fashioned television sets。

Seven worlds; Exedore repeated in thought; head down; eyes on the floor。

The past dozen hours had been punctuated by deep rumblings from Haydon IV's artificial core; the sound of powerful machines being reactivated after who knew how long a slumber。 On…screen schematics flashed by Veidt's device told him little; but it was easy enough to imagine modules being hoisted and repositioned by robotic arms; gigantic plates retracting; a change in the very sphericity of the world。 Exedore awaited some word from Veidt。 Haydon IV was surely reconfiguring; but reconfiguring into what? An unassailable battle station; as the more nervous of the Karbarran captives were suggesting? A world turned inside out? A factory of some sort? The Awareness still had not made any external visuals available; positional data; however; indicated that the artifact was well within three hundred thousand kilometers of the small carbonaceous moon that remained the focal point of its eccentric orbit。 Almost close enough to touch。

A deafening movement from seemingly underfoot rocked level four and nearly sent Exedore sprawling。 There had been several jarring moments already; but no one had been hurt。 No power failures; split seams; broken seals。 Buried in the Awareness's neural programming were mand codes that apparently ensured the safety of Haydon IV's passengers and guests。

As there were mand codes that safeguarded Haydon IV from the threat of attack。

But just what had the historical Haydon…as individual or race…gone to such lengths to protect: the world's passengers or the world itself?

The Zentraedi perched himself on the edge of the bed; unconsciously adopting a thinker's pose。 Seven worlds; he thought。

He had surmised from investigations undertaken during the Sentinels' campaign that the Awareness had had dealings with Zor in the early stages of his self…styled rebellion against the Robotech Masters。 Later; the Tiresian…Protoculture's midwife had for some unknown reason duplicatedthe route Haydon had taken through the Quadrant millennia before; using Haydon's chosen worlds as the objects of his seeding attempts。

Had Zor been attempting to pick up where Haydon had left he had already visited Optera; where; assuredly; Haydon had brought Invid and Flower together。

But then he had gone to seed Peryton; for which Haydon had devised a thought…propelled instrument capable of altering the rotational axis of that dying world。

And gone on to seed Karbarra; which Haydon had gifted with the ursine…responsive Ur…Flower。

And Garuda; where Haydon had restructured the biosphere to facilitate a true planetary consciousness。

And Spheris; where Haydon had experimented with the evolution of crystalline lifeforms。

And Praxis; where biological parenting had bee a single…gender affair。

And…by way of the deliberately crash…landed SDF…1…Zor had seeded Earth; where according to Dana's accounts the Flower had taken root with perplexing tenacity。

Which suggested that Haydon had used Earth for some purpose。

But a larger question remained: What had Haydon hoped to acplish on his namesake world? What was Haydon IV that it should at all costs be spared the injustices visited upon the rest?

〃Exedore;〃 Aurora called from the front room。

That she had said it just loud enough to be heard did not keep Exedore from jumping out of his skin。 Miriya's youngest had that effect。

He entered the room a shaky step or so ahead of Max and Miriya; who had also e running。 Aurora was seated in front of the monitor screen; one finger raised to it。

〃It's the reconfiguration pattern;〃 Exedore said excitedly after a moment's study of the displays。 〃We'll be able to see…〃 Miriya gasped。

Haydon IV's northern and southern hemispheres were separating。 The artifact world was about to open up like a hinged ball!

In newspace; Lisa edged quietly through the doorway to the nursery。 She told herself that in addition to being a naturally inquisitive mom; she was being considerate just now; mindful not to disturb the children's play。 At the same time she realized that her inner voice was not urging caution but demanding it; the feeling was similar to the fight…or…flight hormonal responses that were triggered every time she had to give the order to deploy the fortress's defensive shields。

The kids; human and Zentraedi; were still grouped around the enormous sphere they had constructed; pletely absorbed in their work。 The toe of Lisa's heelless boot touched down on a squeaky toy; and a dozen pair of eyes were suddenly trained on her。

〃Hi; kids;〃 she said; pinning a smile on it。

Roy glanced at his peers; rose out of his cross…legged pose on the deck; and walked over to meet her halfway。 Lisa squatted down to his eye level and mussed his black hair。 〃Hey; that's some globe you guys made;〃 she began。 〃What is it; some kind of space base?〃

Roy took a quick look over his shoulder at Drannin。 〃It's secret; Mommie。 You have to leave。〃

Lisa adopted a wide…eyed expression。 〃It's so secret you can't even let your mom have one quick peek?〃


〃Oh; sweetie; please。〃

Roy shook his head; adamant。 Behind him; the human children had formed a guarded line in front of the sphere。 Lisa straightened up to her full height。 〃Just one peek; Roy; and I'll leave you guys alone;〃 she said more firmly。

Roy's eyes and faltering tone of voice betrayed his ambivalence。 〃You can't; Mom。 We're doing something secret。〃 Stern…faced; Lisa folded her arms across her chest。 〃Now listen to me; young man; I'm still the mander of this ship。 Just show me what you've built and I'll…〃

Abruptly; Roy turned on his heel and rejoined the group; leaving Lisa standing in the center of the room。 She shook her head in disbelief at the mirrored side of the observation window and was about take a forward step when Drannin and the other Zentraedi children suddenly positioned themselves between her and the sphere。 It was like facing a fifteen foot…high wall of muscle and bone。

Lisa tried to contain her unease。 She had not had to face off with a Zentraedi in almost longer than she could recall; but some part of her remembered and pumped fear into her blood。

〃Drannin;〃 she said in a scolding voice; 〃I don't approve of this behavior。 And Kazianna won't; either。〃 She could see Roy peering from behind Drannin's knee。 〃Do you want me to go get her; or are you going to show me what you've built? I promise I'll keep the secret;〃 she thought to add。

〃It's almost finished;〃 Drannin answered in English。 〃We can show you after; not before。〃

Lisa softened her expression somewhat。 〃So it's not really a secret; then。〃

Drannin spent a moment considering that; almost as though monitoring something just out of earshot。 〃No; it isn't really a secret;〃 he said at last。 〃It's more like a surprise。〃

Angelo Dante was the one who had discovered Rem slumped unconscious in the rec…deck corridor and had carried him over his shoulder; like a fireman; down to the med lab。 The experience had been more troubling than the recent EVA and had cost the sergeant the few hours of after…mission rest he had ing to him。

〃The guy's bad news;〃 he was telling Sean; Marie; and Jack。 They were picking at meals in the ship's missary/mess; Karen's harsh reprimands ha
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