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〃We're detecting anomalies;〃 a clone from the Valivarre reported。

〃Indeed?〃 Hodel scoffed in a moist rumble。 〃Don't you think they're apparent?〃

〃I am referring to new topographical features on the target world;〃 the answer came back。 〃Their existence defies gravitational influence。 Immense amounts of power are being expended。 We have analyzed our findings and believe that an unprecedented kind of mechamorphosis is taking place; and its speed is accelerating。〃

Hodel's barrel…chested laughter stopped suddenly as his own techs snarled at their positions。 〃The clone is right;〃 someone growled。

〃See! See!〃 another cried。

A visual magnification was flashed on the main screen。 In it; Haydon IV could be seen quickening its transformation。 Apparently the modular alterations had been acplished earlier…perhaps in flight…and this was the final rearrangement。

Hodel was a captain; not a scientist; but he had more than enough technical background to know that no physical materials; no conventional power source; could possibly achieve what he was witnessing。 Haydon IV should have been annihilating itself with those upheavals。

It was not; however。 It was taking on a new shape。 Its astonishing division at Ranaath's Star was nothing pared what it was doing now。

〃Mechamorphosis; in truth;〃 Hodel heard Prah say from the Qrartzstar。

Hodel roared and slashed at the air with his claws。 〃How long before we can close with them?〃 Perhaps Haydon IV was as yet defenseless。

〃Thirty…two minutes until they're in maximum range;〃 a bridge crewwoman called out。 〃But the speed of the mechamorphosis is increasing。 Estimated time to pletion; twenty…eight minutes。〃

〃We will attack and obliterate them before they can catch their breath and prepare for battle;〃 Hodel howled。 〃Full speed ahead! All ships; watch your deployment and intervals and prepare to attack!〃

Before them; Haydon IV grew。 It contorted and reformed; land features sliding; rising; falling…extending and reconfiguring in ways Local Group science would have pronounced impossible。

The substance of the planet was redistributed; prominences growing and lengthening; the center shrinking。 Even the Karbarrans knew a cold fear; their snarls and rumblings more muted as they watched the artificial planet take on the form of a megacosm Robotech warrior。

Max was glad Lisa forcibly broke up the meeting when she did; in another few minutes; Nichols and Lang might have attempted some kind of voodoo dance to summon up the Regis; while Rem and Marlene performed a little lounge…act mind reading and Dana told a fortune or two。

Emotions had run high as theories and assertions clashed。 It seemed that all the mystics knew pieces of what was happening but that nobody had the big picture。 A lot…of people at the meeting were still at the trying…to…believe…it stage。

Perhaps the major distraction; however; was the conviction many of the adults had that the real action was going on down in the child…care center。 Aurora and the SDF…3 kids were being exactingly recorded; but Obstat and the others were not likely to learn much from the motionless; silently muning seance the rug rats were holding。

The real question; of course; was where the Regis was and how to get in touch with her。 Lots of people had ideas; but none of them sounded very convincing to Max。

Vince; Lisa; and Rick were off to cope with whatever tangible problems they could find and handle…integrating working teams; transferring supplies to the Peter Pan just in case there was no choice but to run for it; resuming patrols of the planet。

Max; like Miriya; had left his seat after the adjournment and gone to fort Dana。 Encountering Rem seemed to have knocked her feet out from under her; they were not used to seeing their gutsy older daughter so despondent。

Miriya had one arm around Dana; who was nearly her height; before Max got there and led her off into an empty adjoining partment。 Dana's head leaned on Miriya's shoulder。 The look his wife shot him told Max that he ought to hang back for the time being。

Lisa and Rick had made some vague reference to Max's going to work coordinating the bined fighting elements of the joined ships; but Max did not feel much like talking war right at the moment。

He turned instead to find his way aft and see if Aurora's kiddie coven had broken up yet。 He wandered along; thinking of her whispered message to him。 Why was he; especially; to be on guard there in newspace to be careful of his thoughts? Aurora either could not or would not clarify。

Distracted; he realized he was lost。 It had been a long time since he had wandered the passageways of the SDF…3。 There was no one around; but he got his bearings and began moving aft again。 He went slowly; meditating。

Peace had seemed at hand when the Sentinels War ended。 He and Miriya had played less and less of a role in the fighting; and he would have been perfectly happy to go on the inactive rolls for good。

Once; he'd been the terror of the Robotech battlefield; a dogfight wizard with a mother lode of the right stuff; an unparalleled feel for his mecha; and unrivaled bat instincts。 Slight; pale; and bespectacled; he seldom attracted a second glance from a stranger; but he had no equal among humans; Zentraedi; Invid; or any other species。

Max passed into a big; empty observation area; its sweep of viewport showing a broad expanse of newspace and the appearing stars。

Funny how that Robotech gift of his had just gradually slipped into the background as being a husband and father became more and more central in his life。 As if whatever had given him his matchless skills had been rechanneled。

He stopped; instincts telling him that he was being watched。 With absolute certainty; he pivoted suddenly toward the viewport。

Something hung there in the night of the SDF…3's shadow; looking back at him。 It was a shape blocking out the stars; the unreflective black of soot or that jersey dress Miriya had。 He could not make out its shape; but it moved slowly like a marionette drifting in water。 It was difficult to estimate; but he got the impression it was only about a hundred yards or so from the hull 。 。 。 and it was big。

Without taking his eyes from it; Max edged over to an inter on the bulkhead and signaled the bridge。 〃This is Sterling…Max Sterling on Foxtrot Deck; partment; uh; H…2108 starboard。 I have a visual on possible bogey。〃 Something about the indistinct shape made his stomach twist; and sweat had started at his forehead。

A brisk voice…Mr。 Toler; Max thought it was…answered。 〃Our sensors show nothing; mander。〃

〃Then they're malfunctioning! Gimme some hull lights down here; now!〃

High…candlepower external lights sprang to life out on the hull。 The harsh illumination they threw forth splashed against a shape that made Max's mouth fall open。

It was not like any mecha he'd ever heard of; though he'd been pretty sure he knew them all。 It incorporated features of Invid Inorganic; RDF Beta Battloid; and Robotech Master Bioroid。 But the bulbous torso with its plastron cannon and the reverse…articulated legs immediately made him think of Zentraedi pods。 And its single…lensed turret of a head sported long; gleaming saber…tooth fangs like those of a Hellcat。

It floated out there; looking straight at him with its yellow and red lens; while Max whispered a soft; almost admiring obscenity。 Seconds ticked by while the two stared at each other。

He heard running feet and glanced over automatically to see Colonel Xien dash into the partment with some staffers bringing up the rear…a mere flicker of the eyes。 And yet; when Max looked back; the black mecha was gone。

〃mander Sterling; we have nothing on scopes or visual;〃 the voice from the bridge said a bit primly; perhaps peeved at Max for implying that those on watch would let something sneak up on the ship。 〃Whatever it is; we don't see it。〃

Max stared at empty space for a few moments before keying the inter to reply。 〃That figures。 It wasn't here to see you; either。〃

It was a race against time that had the Elders frothing behind their respirator masks。 The mechamorphosis of Haydon IV into a Robotech warrior was an astonishing achievement; violating laws 
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