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ot。 But a snapping tongue of discharge caught the Battloid's left leg; blasting a rent in the armor there。

But in the interim; the distance between the two had closed。 Max gathered himself and kicked in all thrusters; pouncing on the enemy rather than avoiding it。 The Black Knight caught him with terrifying strength。

The two mecha fell through the sky; locked together in mortal bat。


And so these equations expose a long…hidden truth: We now know the nature of the heretofore unimaginable energies that existed in the first; irreducible instant after the creation of the universe。 That the last vestige of them is to be found in the distilled essence of a Flower is something to ponder; were there time。
But there is none。
From Exedore's notes; written in the Royal Hall during the approach of Haydon IV

By the time Cabell returned to the observation/mand post high atop the Royal Hall pyramid; the drives of the departing evac ships were mere sparks…there were a dozen or so of them; containing a few thousand clones; human holdouts; a handful of XTs; and a pet or two。

Exedore noted the smudges and stains on the old savant's robes。 〃There was violence。〃

Cabell nodded wearily。 〃I did what I could; but yes。 Less; though; than I'd feared; given the fact that there was only room for a relative few to escape。 All dread the sphere ships' ing。〃

Exedore grunted: Valivarre lay dead in space undergoing repairs; the ore ship might have lifted the entire populace of Tiresia to safety。 But then; there had been no time to organize a large…scale evacuation; those who had escaped on the few ships at the spaceport were essentially those who had been there or nearby when the disastrous battle demolished the Local Group fleet。

〃At least the wait will not be long;〃 he added。 The flock of a hundred…odd ominous metallic bubbles was even then entering the upper atmosphere。 〃The rest will go underground to shelters; I suppose; or perhaps break into the bistros for a final toast to life。〃

〃That's more than the Haydonites got; or the Local Group fleet crews; either;〃 Cabell observed。 There was no sign of Haydonite life aboard the sphere ships; and it was presumed that the artificial race had perished when Haydon IV had been destroyed。 Neither was there any sign of the Awareness's survival; and that was of some fort to the two savants; the Awareness had been perhaps Haydon's greatest weapon。 〃e;〃 Cabell bade。 〃We've not much time。〃

Not having caught his breath; he was huffing again within a few steps。 Exedore caught up and lent a supporting arm; he was physically younger; though he was the older of the two。

They went to the pinnacle of the Royal Hall; which they'd polarized to transparency; so that it seemed open to the sky。 In it was the facsimile Protoculture matrix。

They had both seen the original and now considered this Second Generation manifestation。 Lang had once observed how it resembled an old…time representation of an atom: a plex interlinking of ring orbits some two hundred feet across; suspended in midair by its own internal forces。

However; where the original matrix glistened in rainbow colors; this fabrication was harsh white and gold; and the musical sound ing from its gleaming nucleus seemed more strident; more ominous; than that produced by Zor's original creation。

Now; though; the two observed in the matrix certain anomalies and instabilities that hadn't been there a short time before。 Their research told them that; indeed; the Shapings were reaching some climactic point; a cusp or crux in events even mote important than the conversion of the original matrix years ago in the mound where the SDF…1 lay buried。

〃e;〃 Cabell bade Exedore。 〃We haven't much time。〃 They went to where a new piece of apparatus had been set up。 It suggested a kind of elaborate laser drill or boring unit; heavy with magnetic bottling fields and insulator rings。

〃The buildup of Anti…Protoculture energy is still below what the job may require;〃 Cabell said; 〃but it will have to suffice。〃

Exedore drew a deep breath; running both hands through his unruly red thatch。 〃Are you sure we're doing the right thing?〃 Once it was done; there would be no backing out; not to mention the danger to Tiresia and perhaps to all of Tirol。

〃The matrix mustn't fall into Haydon's hands!〃 Cabell insisted。 〃Otherwise; he'll reduce all that remains of the universe to mere fuel and raw materials for his mad ambitions。〃

Exedore sighed。 Cabell was right; it was just that the first matrix had been the Holy Grail for so long; and the second had required such extraordinary striving and genius。 To destroy this last vestige of the power of Protoculture seemed to run counter to everything the long wars and researches had been about。

〃You're correct; of course。〃 Exedore clapped Cabell on the back tiredly。 Strange and sad that things should end this way。

And an end it would be; since neither of them could survive this last…ditch effort to thwart Haydon's scheme。 Exedore thought of the Micronian stories: Sampson in the temple; Horatio at the bridge。 Exedore and Cabell at the Second Gen matrix would outdo all of those。

Cabell had brought forth two protective faceplates; handing one to Exedore。 〃Here you are; my dear fellow。〃

Exedore accepted his; slipping it on。 〃You know; Cabell; I still maintain that one of us can in all likelihood carry out this; er; procedure。 There is thus no reason for you to make this sacrifice。〃

〃Now; now。 We've been all over this; old friend。 There's no guarantee that one operator could balance the induction field and simultaneously calibrate the integration mixture。 And it's far too late to automate the process。 No; that just won't do梠therwise I'd have insisted you leave。〃

Exedore shook his head; settling the faceplate into place。 Strange how; so late in his long years; he had bee friends with such an odd assortment of beings: Micronians; Sentinels; even a Clone of Zor himself。 And Cabell; who was a panion and kindred soul; rather than the master his position would once have required him to be。

Both of them were working as fast as they could even while they were musing。 Surveillance satellites gave word that the sphere ships were making planetary approach at much higher speed than had been foreseen。

Still; Exedore saw calmly; he and Cabell would have time to carry out their last act。 The special magnetic bottling fields began to e into existence; and in another few minutes Protoculture and Anti…Protoculture would mix in mutual annihilation。

There was another warning tone…from the surveillance satellites。 〃An energy plexus of unknown type has been detected; originating from the sphere fleet; moving in the direction of Tiresia。〃

The two panions stopped their work and looked at the speaker。 〃Describe its nature。〃

〃It is nonmaterial;〃 came the reply; 〃a webwork of mental energy in some ways resembling the Awareness and yet unlike it。〃

Cabell was horrified。 〃That is because it is no longer linked to the instrumentality of Haydon IV。 We've been caught unawares!〃

He leapt to his controls; Exedore doing the same; and they prepared to fire the Anti…Protoculture infusion device; ready or not。 But even as they did; the puter voice from the satellite net announced; 〃Calculations show that there is no time to plete your current endeavor。 The Awareness has raced ahead of the sphere ships and now enpasses the Royal Hall。〃

But by then Cabell and Exedore didn't need the puter to tell them something was wrong。 A sparkling network; like a highway system of strobing luminescence in the sky; had sprung into being all around the hall…not the Awareness itself but a side effect of the Awareness's presence; an exertion of its artificial mind powers。

The inside of the grand pyramidal chamber holding the matrix became like an aquarium filled with strange; insubstantial waters; shimmering air showing colors to which neither Exedore nor Cabell could put a name。 It made the facsimile matrix's music turn ominous and caused it to glimmer in a new and sinister fashion。

Cabell; suffused with light; felt his consciousness slipping away。 〃Fire! Do not wait!〃 He held his grip on his senses for an extra 
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